How do I know which listings are new?
When listings that match your search criteria become available on the MLS, they are added to your Newly Matched tab. The Date Updated field initially shows the date the listing was added to your Portal and listings automatically sort based on this date. This means that the newest listings automatically show at the top. Also, if there is a change to a listing, such as a price reduction, the Date Updated field changes again so that you can identify which listings have changed. You can move listings to the Saved or Rejected tabs in order to keep the Newly Matched tab up-to-date.
What are the Newly Matched, Agent Recommended, Saved, and Rejected tabs?
The Newly Matched tab displays new and changed property listings that match any searches created for your Portal. The Agent Recommended tab displays listings your agent has specifically chosen for you. To keep listings organized, move listings from either the Newly Matched or Agent Recommended tabs to the Saved or Rejected tabs based on whether you're interested in the property.
How do I move listings into the Saved and Rejected tabs?
To move one listing at a time:
Click Save or Reject to move a listing to the appropriate tab, based on whether you're interested in the property.
To move multiple listings:
- Click the check box for each listing that you want to move.
TIP: Click the “Actions” drop-down menu in the display column header just below each tab and click the “Select All” option to select all listings in that tab. If you want to move most of the listings in a tab, click the “Select All” option, then simply uncheck the listings that you do not want to move.
- Once you have selected all of the listings you want to move, click the “Actions” drop-down and choose the “Save Selected” or “Reject Selected” option.
How do I use comments in the Portal?
You and your agent can communicate by posting comments about listings in your Portal. The comments will display under the “Comments” tab in your Portal and you and your agent will both receive email notifications when new comments have been added. You can respond to your agent directly from the new comments notification email or post comments for a specific listing from the Newly Matched, Agent Recommended, Saved or Rejected tabs.
To leave a comment for your agent:
- Locate the listing you want to comment on, and click on Post Comments. The Comments page displays.
- Enter your comments, then click Post.
Can I print listings?
You can print multiple listings in your Portal or detailed information about individual listings.
To print multiple listings on the current page, select the "Print Listings" option from the Actions drop down.
To print detailed information about a single listing:
- Click the listing’s View Details link.
- Click the “Print” button near the top of the window.